Monday, February 14, 2011

QMUL communication strategy, and a quick update

Along with colleagues in the other partner institutions, I have been working on an advocacy (or in Queen Mary's case a communication) plan. The plan comes in two parts, a strategic document identifying how and who, and a timeline of activities. Part one is below. I'm still drafting part two...

We're making progress with the repository, behind the scenes things are moving well and we're adding new content all the time. Researchers here at QMUL seem fine with the concept of uploading their content via our Elements interface, once they know what to do.

QMRO still hasn't been made public, a source of endless frustration for me, due largely to small bugs and configurations that need to be resolved and which it's proving difficult to find the time to for our IT people to fix. Things are looking up though. We have recently retained the services of DSpace consultancy firm @mire to help with developments, and our own project partner, Richard Jones, is off to see QMULs IT people, so the bugs and configs should hopefully be sorted really soon.

I'm already planning the launch party, so watch this space!

And here is the plan.

SMolloy Queen Mary, University of London

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